About Me

Hello there, I’m Andrew Gallinaro, CHC, BS

I’m a certified Functional Health and Nutrition Coach (CHC) and I founded The Functional Health Solution. I’ve been in the business of helping people of all ages get healthy for more than 19 years. I believe the current healthcare model has some challenges when it comes to helping people with chronic health conditions like diabetes, low thyroid, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

I have been passionate about health and wellness from a young age and believe the body has an innate ability to heal with the right combination of tools. I have discovered these natural solutions over my 19 years of study and research, and actual implementation with people that came to my office in very poor health, and have seen the outcomes they can produce for my clients.

I take an exhaustive investigative approach to understand not only what’s causing my clients health problems, but also works diligently to customize a solution and action plan that addresses their unique needs. Throughout my career I have been instrumental in helping thousands of clients how to reverse long-standing health problems. My current focuses is helping people suffering from type 2 diabetes and low hypothyroidism and auto-immune conditions.

As a functional health & nutrition coach—my top priorities are to:

Educate: Offer guidance and education about proper nutrition and eating habits based on each person is unique and there is no one size fits all approach.

Formulate: Create a detailed, goal-oriented action plan—tailored to you—to help you tackle your nutritional and health goals.

Empower: Coach and help guide you along your journey & experience the benefits of a healthy body, mind, and soul.

A few more fun facts about me

  • I studied at Springfield College and earned a Bachelors of Science in Sports Biology

  • I then earned my Doctor of Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College. During my studies I completed more than 4,000 hours of course work and practice rotations in clinical and community settings. I then went on to private practice for over 18 years serving thousands of people in my local community.

  • I have completed hundreds of postgraduate hours in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. In 2019 I attended Health Coach Institute and earned my Certification as a Health Coach with Advanced Nutrition for Health Coaches (ANHC) training which has a focus on coaching people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity/weight loss resistance.

  • I am a husband to an amazing wife and we have a beautiful daughter and crazy black lab. We love hiking in all seasons and going camping in our travel trailer. We even did one season of winter camping which was amazing. We enjoying snow snowing and skiing in the winter and swimming and watersports in the summer time.

  • I love to be active I have raced mountain bikes, cyclocross and competed in over 30 triathlons. I qualified for nationals twice in my age group in Olympic distance triathlon and also completed 3 half Ironman races. With everything going on I build a home gym and now enjoy working out on my bike trainer and lifting weight in my home gym and getting out for hikes.

Life is not about being perfect, life is about the journey and taking the time to learn everyday. To become the best version of yourself so you can be there 100% for yourself and the people you care above around you. I have found you need your health to be your best. My passion is the help other BE - DO - HAVE their best health so they can live life to their fullest.