Discover The Path to Overcome Your Health Challenges

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The Hidden Causes





Are You Struggling to Overcome Type 2 Diabetes?

- Do you feel like you’re swimming upstream?

- Are you tired of getting worse over time and not better?

-Are you tired of not being heard?

-Are you sick of not being able to participate in life?

- Are you sick of the one-drug-after-another approach?

- Are you concerned about future complications?

Register Now For The Next Free Live Virtual Workshop

Estimates and research suggests it can take up to 20 years for new science and treatments to reach your doctor’s office. Do you have that much time? Why wait when cutting edge treatments and research is at your fingertips?

Success Stories

“I first met Andrew Gallinaro for a diabetes consultation.  I was treating my diabetes with traditional care first which consisted of multiple medications that steadily increased over time.  After my consultation, I was put on the Functional Health program.  I started noticing results right away, as early as a couple of weeks.  4 months into the program, I lost 25lbs and continue to work on blood glucose reduction.  My diabetes medications have been reduced, and my cholesterol levels have dropped dramatically. I would recommend this program to friends and family because the program addresses items that traditional medicine does not.  Even my doctor admitted that they do not test for some of the levels that this program does.  I look forward to coming to my appointments because the staff here are very pleasant and helpful!

- Diane G. 

"Upon my first consultation I suffered from diabetes and frequent pain.  I have fibromyalgia and arthritis.  Because of my constant pain, I had a hard time with sleeping, walking and standing.  I tried various methods of pain relief including, medications, yoga, and massage. I also used traditional medical care, but I wanted to try a more holistic approach.  My doctor was 100% ok with this, in fact, he wishes more of his patients would try it.  Andrew recommended changing my diet and taking supplements through Functional Health.  Within a month of being on the program, I got off of my diabetic medication and lost almost 20lbs. I am very pleased with my results and would recommend this program to anyone.  The staff here is friendly, professional and helpful!

- Philine L

The Functional Health Solution

These are the elements of our Functional Health & Coaching Solution

that are behind our client’s success


Discover what is really causing your disease/symptoms


Beyond your disease labels and general advice to loss weight and exercise


Experience the power of being cared for as an individual


Create a new reality where You actually get and feel better despite your age and current health condtions



Experience the new standard in health and wellness

What makes The Functional Health Solution so Different?…

The Functional Health Solution is so different because it coaches the clients on what’s really causing their health problems and provides each person with a customized solution. The solution provides a step-by-step plan of action that is based upon the most up to date science, research, and cutting edge holistic approaches. Hundreds of clients have defied the odds and recovered their health using The Functional Health Solution model. How do you access our approach to getting better health ? The first step is to attend the next Free Virtual Workshop.

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Free Live Virtual Workshop

 I first came to see Andrew Gallinaro because I needed assistance with trying to lose weight and changing my lifestyle which consisted of diabetes and bad eating habits.  I had a high A1C reading, I had neuropathy and weighed over 315 pounds.  I had low energy and felt I was taking way too many different kinds of medications.  Prior to my consultation, I tried various methods of weight loss, including dieting, starvation, and poorly styled workouts.  I sought traditional medical care, but was only given prescriptions.   Since starting the program, my weight is down to 280 lbs, with muscle having been added due to workout regimen, and my A1C level is well below 6.   I would recommend Andrew and the Functional Health program to anyone because they are very open to helping anyone with their issues.  They express concern for an individual's quality of life and work to correct it!

Ray M. 

I began working with Andrew Gallinaro in March 2016.  I wanted help with my diabetic symptoms, I started noticing results approximately the end of April.  Before working with his program, I tried traditional medical care.  I was prescribed Metformin 500 mg, twice a day.  I took that medication from November 2012 until approximately May 2016.  The functional health program at The Functional Health Solution has taught me how to reverse the symptoms of  my diabetes through nutritional counseling.  By doing so, it allowed me to discontinue my medication for diabetes.  The staff and Andrew Gallinaro delivered on helping me reduce my need for diabetic medication!

Anthony C. 

The Functional Health Solution

1-on-1 Coaching

No cookie cutter recommendation here. Our initial session begins with an overview of your current nutritional habit and your goals. Follow-up sessions revolve around targeted strategies to help you reach specified goals.

Access to Functional Labs/Testing and Nutritional Products

We show you where to get access to all the labs and functional testing to discovery what is really behind your symptoms and where the hidden imbalances are and what natural solutions can aid your bodies innate ability to heal.

Lifestyle/Activity Plans

Learn how to break all those bad health habits and routines that have kept you frustrated and unsure what to eat, and what to do to get better. Stop the frustration and yo-yo dieting and routines. Learn how to create a long term lifestyle plan based on your situation and bodies needs.

I first came to see Andrew Gallinaro for my weight issues that were a result of my type 2 Diabetes and having an improper diet.  I was 30+ pounds overweight, my blood sugar levels were constantly going up, and I had tremendous pain in my knees.  Though I had no limits on daily activities, having the belly fat cause me to have self-confidence issues.  I tried various diets not knowing how the food affected my body.  I also consulted a nutritionist at a well-known hospital for help with my diabetes.  I was told to eat foods at night that I knew would make my blood sugar go up.  When I asked her about this, I was told that this is what her research says.  She gave me a flyer from a “cereal company.” I realized she was influenced by the Big Food industry companies.  I soon lost trust in her and the hospital.  Once I started my program, I was given a vast amount of knowledge about my health.  The testing that was done made all the difference.  Knowing how my body reacted to foods I ate was extremely important to my success.  It took a while to notice a difference, however, I noticed a reduction in my sugar counts almost immediately.  After about 6 weeks, I started to notice how much more energy I had, after a month I noticed that my knees stopped hurting.  Now my diabetes is under control.  I realize what I put into my  body is reflected in my sugar counts.  I have a lot more energy.  I am more confident and am able to fit into clothes that haven’t fit me for years.  I lost 17 pounds in 4 months through a controlled diet, no exercise.  The pains in my knees are gone and I know my body is healing.  I know I have the tools to be healthy. 

Linda E.

Free Virtual Workshop

The Workshops are Free! It’s our way of reaching out and giving back to our community. However, it will still cost you time and energy. But think about this…

How much is not having a real solution to your health problems costing you? How much is it costing your family? What will it end up costing if you don’t take another path?

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